Welcome to LEA Global!
As a member of our association, you have the opportunity to connect with peers worldwide and advance your career in public accounting. To access our exclusive resources - such as events, programs, groups, and news - you'll need a member portal account. While some parts of our website are open to everyone, many benefits are reserved for members.
This page outlines how to create your account, update your information, and more!
After, you will be redirected to the LEA Global home page and will notice there is a new menu in the upper righthand corner titled - My Account.
Click the square/full screen icon to enlarge the slideshow.
If you have questions or experience any issues while creating your member portal account, please contact Nikki Dwyer.
You can control your profile and the information that is visible to other LEA Global members. Within the My Account menu, you’ll find two options where you can manage these details: Edit Profile and Update Personal Directory.
Note: If you are designated as the Company Admin for your firm, you will also have the ability to edit your firm's profile listing.
There are two tabs within Edit Profile where you can update your information.
Save your changes!
On this page, you can decide whether you'd like your profile to show on the employee directory and add the information you'd like to be visible on your profile. You can also preview your personal directory listing from this page.
Save your changes!
After creating your account, use the Log In button whenever you visit the LEA Global website to log in to your member portal account. After logging in, you’ll notice the LEA Global menu navigation changes to include Groups, Member Resources, and Service Desk. Member-only pages will also appear under existing menu items.